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    Adventurous Developer
    "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming!" — Dory
    Villa La Angostura, Argentina
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    Loyal Companion
    "Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind." — Stitch
    Phousi Mountain, Luang Prabang, Laos
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    Passionate Teacher
    "Your only limit is your soul." — Gusteau
    Luang Prabang, Laos
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    Optimistic Thinker
    "When life throws you a rainy day, play in the puddles." — Winnie the Pooh
    Villa El Chocón, Argentina

Who am I?

And why should you hire me.

As you will see on most of my professional sites, I describe myself as an enthusiastic college student and developer
with a passion for STEM and a love for music and language.
Furthermore, being inspired by AIESEC and my volunteer experience in Neuquén, Argentina, I continue to try
to live by their four pillars of effective leadership.

Solution Oriented

Quite simply, in order to solve world issues you need to be solution oriented and keep moving towards a resolution.

Empowering Others

Empowering others is the key to the personal development of your friends and coworkers.

Self Aware

Self awareness and metacognition allow you to improve your behaviour and understand how your actions affect others.

World Citizen

Becoming a world citizen procures responsibility within towards issues bigger than yourself.

My Professional Experience

  • Oct 2022 - Sep 2024

    Software Engineer II

    Microsoft Ireland

    Member of AIOps Control Plane team.

    As MAIDAP was concluding, I was informed by my manager that a new team was forming in Dublin to supplement the work I had participated in during my second rotation. I immediately jumped on the opportunity and moved to Ireland to join what would become the AIOps Health Control Plane team.

    Over my two years, my primary focus was the role of Subject Matter Expert (SME) of a new cross-platform SDK for the Microsoft Geneva Health services. I collaborated with teams directly from all over the world to fix bug and add API implementations based on their requirements. My work was key in migration efforts by teams like Office OMEX and Azure Compute to migrate off the older .NET Framework SDK.

    Given our team was on the smaller side but with significant scope, I also worked on a myriad of other projects. I worked very closely with a team in Germany in the creation of a new Azure Resource Provider to bring the power of Geneva Health Models to Azure Monitor. I squashed bugs on our existing hyper-scale control plane API surface, ensuring we met our SLA of four nines with petabytes of traffic per day.

    Finally, I had the absolute privilege of working with and mentoring our two-time intern Kevin from Dublin City University. Kevin never ceased to amaze me in his genuine passion for quality software engineering, absolutely essential contributions to both our team's products and culture.

  • Aug 2020 - Oct 2022

    Machine Learning Engineer

    Microsoft N.E.R.D.

    Member of Cohort 3 of the Microsoft AI Development Acceleration Program (MAIDAP).

    Over two years, I worked with 4 different teams from around Microsoft to advance their AI/ML initiatives and projects. I worked closely with the Data Scientists to the design ML approaches in a myriad of domains (anomaly detection, NLP, RL, decision trees, unsupervised grouping, etc.), with a special focus on designing reusable, scalable, cloud-based pipelines for our partner teams. As a Machine Learning Engineer, I had to fully understand the data ETL and ML model implementations created by the Data Scientists in order to transform those experimental jupyter notebooks and scripts into high throughput, scalable pipelines in Azure Synapse and AzureML. These cloud-based tools would then allow us to train and evaluate many different configurations using orders of magnitude more data model parameters. Throughout the process, I thoroughly documented work at all stages (architecture designs, data flow diagrams, readmes, data dictionaries, etc.). During each rotation, I presented my work and the achievements of our team to high-level stakeholders on the partner teams culminating in the final hand-off at the end of 6 months. Outside of project work, I also participated in the MAIDAP and Microsoft hackathons as well as the MAIDAP Responsible AI reading group.

    Some tools used: Python, Pandas, Azure ML, Azure Synapse (Spark), SQL, Azure Data Explorer, Databricks, ...

    More information about MAIDAP can be found here: https://blogs.microsoft.com/newengland/2018/09/26/microsoft-ai-development-acceleration/

  • Jun 2019

    Software Engineer Intern

    Microsoft, Redmond, WA

    Excited by my experience the previous summer, I returned in 2019 to work on the PowerApps Web Player team at the Microsoft headquarters in Redmond. Over the internship, I took on a critical pain point for developers while simultaneously laying down the groundwork for a public-facing feature. Although well-scoped by my manager and mentor, the project gave me significant agency with regards to design and I met multiple times with different teams in PowerApps to sync and discuss optimal implementation. My feature is currently checked in to master and I created usage instructions that were distributed to the PowerApps engineering team.

  • Sep 2018 - Dec 2018

    Undergraduate Research Assistant

    University of Massachusetts Amherst

    I worked with Prof. Erik Learned-Miller and Graduate Research Student Archan Ray on a project with the goal of detecting and recognizing text in cartographic images. I performed literature review and implemented TextBoxes++, a current state-of-the-art solution, to compare with our team's results. My work can be found here: https://github.com/seangtkelley/icken-and-chegg

  • Jun 2018 - Aug 2018

    Software Engineer Intern

    Microsoft N.E.R.D. Garage

    During the 2018 summer, I worked on a team of other interns to design, develop, and ship a re-envisioned version of the Microsoft Photos Companion Mobile Application. Using Xamarin iOS and Android, we created a consistent and intuitive cross-platform experience that allows a user to transfer their media to and from the phone and record narrations for their video projects. We also modified the existing Photos UWP Desktop application to support our new mobile features. In order to ship, we followed the same procedures all Microsoft software must follow which includes thorough accessibility, compliance, and security testing. Once shipped, the work our team did will likely reach 100k+ users on mobile and 300M+ users on Windows Desktop.

  • Jul 2017 - Aug 2018

    Software Developer

    University of New Hampshire CCOM/JHC

    I performed software development work with Dr. Giuseppe Masetti, a Research Assistant Professor at the UNH Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping. I have contributed to the front-end of his Hydroffice Smartmap GIS web application. I made use of the OpenLayers Javascript library which is written in ES6, transpiled to ES5, and minified and bundled by Webpack. I recently completed a feature that allows the user to animate the available data layers and I am currently working on a feature that would mimic the hydrographic survey planning capabilities of HYPACK or ESRI ArcMap. During this academic year, I will continue to work on this project remotely, using the GitHub comment and issue system as well as Google Hangouts to maintain open and active channels of communication.

  • Sep 2016 - May 2018

    Junior Developer

    University of Massachusetts Amherst

    At UMass Amherst IT Enterprise Services, as a team of just three students, we concluded that the current implementation of the Configuration Management Database's site was inadequate for the growing IT department. We then proposed a complete overhaul of the backend to improve performance. By the end of two semesters, we were successful in our new implementation as well as creating a previously nonexistent unit testing suite for the site. Our team estimated that we reduced the loading time by over 50%.

  • Sep 2015 - Aug 2016

    Research Assistant

    University of New Hampshire CCOM/JHC

    I worked on an Airborne LIDAR Bathymetry (ALB) research project lead by an M.S. candidate, Mr. Matt Birkebak and his advisors Dr. Firat Eren and Dr. Shachak Pe’eri. My work primarily focused on assisting in Mr. Birkebak’s research of characterizing and modeling the effects of the water surface on the laser beam. At their current state, nautical charts including ALB data are not accurate enough to use to navigate. It is imperative to improve the accuracy of the data as ALB is much cheaper and more efficient than SONAR for shallow and shoreline waters. When I joined the project, one experiment had been done but there were considerable uncertainties with confounding variables. I worked with Birkebak, Eren and Pe’eri to create and conduct a more accurate experiment. The data was collected in the 120-foot Wave Tank in the UNH Chase Ocean Engineering Research Laboratory. I then preformed a considerable amount of data analysis in Matlab. Our main goal was to confirm or discount models created from the previous experiments. All code was maintained in a Git repository synced to BitBucket so it could be shared with other researchers on the project. On several occasions, I shared the correlations and patterns I found with my co-workers in the form of oral and poster presentations as well as summary papers.

  • Jun 2014 - Aug 2017

    IT Helpdesk Technician

    University of New Hampshire CCOM/JHC

    Over four summers, I assisted the center's graduate students, staff, and faculty with computer workstation, software, and network problems and requests. These included swapping out computer components for new users, new software installs, version updates, preparing latpops for scientific cruises, ROV training workshops and even sending a Mathlab license to the North Pole.

Speaking Spanish on TV?!

During my volunteer experience in Neuquén, Argentina, I took part in an interview promoting AIESEC Neuquén on a local TV station. I'm joined by Filipe from Brazil on my right, and Alexis from Neuquén. Our goal was to show the benefits of volunteering to local youth that might otherwise not consider an exchange like the one in which Filipe and I were participating.

My Education

  • Sep 2024 - Sep 2025 (Expected)

    University of Reading

    MSc Climate Change and Artificial Intelligence (AI)

    The University of Reading is offering a truely unique MSc experience with the Climate Change and Artificial Intelligence (AI) program. Over the first two semesters, we will study the climate system and how it functions, how we quantify and research climate change, advanced data science and machine learning techniques, causality and decision-making practices, and data and personel management. During the summer, I will be conducting in-depth novel research in atmosphere, ocean, and climate science for the MSc Dissertation. See the official course website for more information.

  • Jan 2018 - May 2018


    Deep Learning Nanodegree

    Official Description: In this program, you'll cover topics like Keras and TensorFlow, convolutional and recurrent networks, deep reinforcement learning, and GANs. You'll learn from authorities such as Sebastian Thrun, Ian Goodfellow, and Andrew Trask, and enjoy access to Experts-in-Residence from OpenAI, Google Brain, DeepMind, Bengio Lab and more. This is the ideal point-of-entry into the field of AI.

  • Sep 2016 - May 2020

    UMass Amherst

    Bachelor's of Science, Computer Science and Mathematical Computing
    Bachelor's of Arts, Spanish Language

    Best Question-Driven Approach Award at ASA Five College DataFest, HackUMass, Entrepreneurship Club, Hoop Band, Thatcher Language Program

  • Sep 2012 - Jun 2016

    Pinkerton Academy

    High School

    VEX Robotics, Think Tank, Eagle Scout, Math Tutor, Jazz Ensemble, Musical Pit Orchestra, National Honors Society, National Language Honors Society.

My Volunteer Experience

  • Jan - Mar 2020

    Classroom Assistant

    El Aula Azul
    Donostia-San Sebastián, Gipuzkoa, Spain

    At El Aula Azul, the children learn English through a method of “immersive learning” where they are provided alternative and more engaging forms of instruction like cooking, dancing, making crafts, singing, performing, and much more. While volunteering at El Aula Azul, I assisted the teacher in planning and carrying out these activities.

  • Sep - Dec 2019

    Software Development/IT Support/DevOps

    Remineralize the Earth
    Northampton, MA

    While volunteering for RTE, I worked closely with Joanna Campe to investigate performance issues, which eventually led to the migration of the existing WordPress site to a new hosting provider. This was also critical in the process of regaining access to RTE's domain names that were trapped in the possession of a defunct domain registrar. We hoped to begin work on a project for the site that focused on K-12 curriculums for rock dust, but I left to study abroad just after the migration was complete. I still provide remote support from time to time and hope for the continued success of the organization.

  • July 2019

    Software Engineer

    Kids in Need of Defense (KIND)
    Redmond, WA

    For the 2019 Microsoft Global Hackathon, I worked with Kids in Need of Defence (KIND) which is a non-profit that provides legal services and representation to children navigating the US immigration system. My team's main focus was their Child Portal which serves as a quick reference for the children to review their rights or the documents they need. Over the course of three days, our team optimized the Child Portal for mobile, deployed it on Github Pages, and connected it to a custom domain.

  • Dec 2018

    Disaster Relief and Recovery

    All Hands and Hearts
    Toa Baja, Puerto Rico

    During the winter break of my junior year at UMass Amherst, I embarked on my second All Hands and Hearts project. Using my Spanish skills, I helped communicate with homeowners on the job sites as well as at the base. On the job sites, my work consisted mostly of debris removal and roof repair.

  • Jan 2018

    Disaster Relief and Recovery

    All Hands and Hearts
    Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas, USVI

    During the winter break of my sophomore year at UMass Amherst, I traveled to USVI St. Thomas to assist in hurricane relief and recovery from the damage done by hurricanes Maria and Irma. Daily, we were assigned a team and a work site. Work ranged from debris removal to sorting out belongings with the family to keeping the owner's puppy occupied. The atmosphere of All Hands and Hearts was wonderful and the people of the island were incredibly strong and amiable.

  • Jun 2017 - Jul 2017

    App Development and Marketing

    Bien Argentino
    Neuquén, Argentina

    Over the course of six weeks, I had the privilege of working in Neuquén, Argentina with an NGO called Bien Argentino. Bien Argentino's focus was traffic safety and environmental protection and we made many trips to local schools to discuss these topics with students. My responsibilities were in Marketing so I created a mobile app to accompany their website, as well as a fun, mobile game to keep kids engaged and to show the effects of drunk driving. Although not published yet, you can find the code for the applications on my Github. My volunteer trip was put together by AIESEC, an international, student-run organization that creates opportunities like this in 126 countries.

  • Sep 2015 - Aug 2016

    Adult Leader

    Boy Scout Troop 33
    Hampstead, NH

    After earning the rank of Eagle Scout, I decided to continue to assist the troop as an adult leader. I still attend meetings when my schedule permits and I participate in campouts to help guide younger scouts.

  • Nov 2014 - Aug 2015

    Eagle Scout

    Boy Scout Troop 33
    Hampstead, NH

    For my Eagle Project, I, with the generous help of my troop, constructed a new welcome sign for the Town of Hampstead. At the time of construction, there were no welcome signs left throughout the town. After the project was completed, the plans used were given to the troop as well as the town in hopes of facilitating the construction of new signs in the future.


My best work

Here I have compiled some of my personal projects that I believe represent my skills
as a developer.


Come Fly with Me

When I have some free time (and extra money), I like to take private pilot lessons at the Northampton Airfield. I've logged a few hours in Pipers and Cessnas in the skies over Western Mass. Since my youth, I've wanted a license and hopefully I can obtain it soon.